
Integrated solutions used at a refinery

What We Mean by Integrated Solutions at Shell Catalysts & Technologies

 By Darren Cross on Dec 02, 2019

My passion is building and developing high-performing teams that deliver exceptional results. has vast resources in terms of dedicated professionals and innovative technologies, so my job here entails a vigorous blend of skill sets and expertise -- from marketing and operations management to budgeting, negotiating, and understanding the many fascinating aspects of the constantly evolving natural gas, refining, and petrochemical industries.

Much like the different pieces of equipment that constitute a refinery, the different parts of Shell Catalysts & Technologies (as well as across the broader Shell group of companies) must work together seamlessly to produce desired business outcomes. The most important players in our integrated team dynamic, however, are our customers, internal resources, and external relationships.

Integrating Owner/Operator Expertise

Shell Catalysts & Technologies leverages access to technologies and expertise to solve complex problems for our customers. We may already be aware of some of these problems and be deep in the process of solving them. Other problems are only revealed upon working closely with our customers to improve their operations and yields. These newly discovered challenges are actually opportunities to create more value as they realise the potential to gain greater efficiencies and synergies that our customers may not have fully realized were possible.

By combining Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ human and technology resources with the owner/operator’s hands-on experience and institutional knowledge of their facilities, we -- as an integrated company -- can provide unique solutions that may include additional resources such as trading and supply. With our experience and reach, we gain new insights ourselves as to how we can think and work smarter to speed up technology innovation and deployment for the benefit of all of our customers.

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Integrating Internal Resources

Personally, I value the incredible knowledge and expertise that exists not only within Shell Catalysts & Technologies but also in other parts of Shell that we have access to and work with regularly. For instance, we can tap into extraordinary amounts of expertise in our technology delivery groups for services projects like master planning, which adds tremendous amounts of value for our customers.

In fact, I believe that at Shell we often underestimate the “know-how” and expertise we have spread throughout the Shell group. It is hard for others to match this level of access to such beneficial and useful resources. I am continually impressed by how we have worked with our internal teams and Shell affiliates to create innovative integrated solutions and add value to the customer’s business through a collaborative “joint discovery” type-approach to solve problems and identify opportunities.

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Integrating Academic & Research Partnerships

Integrating resources outside of Shell allows Shell Catalysts & Technologies to better react to -- and get in front of -- trends that will shape the . For example, our CO2 capture technologies help our customers thrive in an era of energy transformation.

Shell Catalysts & Technologies has partnered with leading academic institutions and research organizations to create carbon capture and storage solutions that use a combination of technologies and know-how to secure and store carbon dioxide deep underground, rather than releasing CO2 into the earth’s atmosphere.

From the 4MTPA CO2 capture process incorporated in the Gorgon liquified natural gas project in Australia to the 1MTPA Quest carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Canada, we’ve developed large-scale commercial projects and solutions by collaborating with the best research minds in academia and energy organizations.

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Integration As A Core Business Value

I build teams for a living. Therefore, I understand that a diversity of experiences, skills, expertise, and talents makes for a more knowledgeable, proficient, and productive team.

For Shell Catalysts & Technologies, integration is a core business value. Our team is comprised of a vast network of internal resources, as well as effective relationships with outside organizations and institutions, and -- perhaps most importantly -- collaborations with our customers and refinery owners/operators.

Integrating the knowledge, expertise, and skills of other entities into our natural gas, refining, and solutions as well as our refining and creates unparalleled opportunities to increase efficiency, reduce operational costs, and improve margins.

Building teams requires a holistic approach to problem-solving, and nothing will improve ROI for our customers more than working with a comprehensive team dedicated to creating more, cleaner energy in cost-effective ways.